Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Wing Chun Stance and Footwork using Optimum Body Positioning from Black Flag Wing Chun

Read the full video of Wing Chun Stance and Footwork using Optimum Body Positioning from Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Techniques Tutorial 2, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip man movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun footwork and body position optimally using Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] combat principle to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy.

In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to use the proper Wing Chun Body Position to maintain the maximum combat efficiency using the basic Wing Chun footwork [Im Siam], Tiu Jiu[Wing Chun Tan Sao] Hand technique in Occupying time, becoming space and releasing an impulse energy.

Many times, in most Wing Chun mainstream lineage, focusing using offense as defense. In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrated how to have the MOST OPTIMUM body position on applying that offense as defense idea.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles! Available in USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

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Wing Chun Sticky Hand Basic Rolling

Read the full video of Black Flag Wing Chun Demonstration 2: Wing Chun Sticky Hand Basic Rolling [ Niam Jiu / Chi Sao ], HERE:


You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. In this Wing Chun Video, watch our demonstration of Basic Rolling on Wing Chun Sticky Hand known as Niam Jiu / 黐手 [aka Chi Sao in Red Boat Opera Wing Chun] using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy, from this Wing Chun Video.

In this Wing Chun demonstration video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to occupy the time and become the space that creates the “Rolling shape” rather than deliberate rolling the hands. GM Lin was assisted with one of his beginner student who just trained for 3 months.

Many times, in most Wing Chun mainstream lineage, focusing thrusting forward when there is an opening. In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrated how to THRUST FORWARD when there is OPENING while MAINTAINing the contact by Occupying Time and Becoming the Space to prevent the opponent from having their hands flying all over if there is no contact.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

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Monday, February 27, 2017

Wing Chun Punch Using Maximum Efficiency

Read the full video of Wing Chun Punch Using Maximum Efficiency from Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Techniques Tutorial 1, HERE: http://www.hekkiboen.com/black-flag-wing-chun-lesson-1-basic-wing-chun-punch-using-maximum-efficiency/?fb_action_ids=1221062337924767&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_ref=.Vrxn6CiU56p.like#.VrxoK1h97IW

You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun techniques using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy, from this Wing Chun Video.

In this Wing Chun Training Video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to express the maximum combat efficiency using the basic wing chun punch, Im Tiong Kun, through Occupying time, becoming space and releasing an impulse energy.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

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Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Internal Power Demonstration

Read the Full Video of Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Internal Power Demonstration, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun Internal Power / Impulse Power / Shock Power using Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] ENERGY Transfer principle to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy.

In this Wing Chun Video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to use the proper Internal Power of Wing Chun Kung Fu to express maximum combat efficiency.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

Please Share This Video: http://youtu.be/Klh60BBigQw ✔ Like ✔ Share ✔ Tag ✔ Comment ✔ Follow ✔Invite Friends

Be the FIRST and ONLY Certified HKB Wing Chun Representative in Your Country/City:



Saturday, February 25, 2017

Black Flag Wing Chun featured in CCTV13 China

Source: http://www.hekkiboen.com/black-flag-wing-chun-featured-on-cctv/?fb_action_ids=440799269452064&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_ref=.VrxTbfRpOES.like#.VrxT7Fh97IX

There are many lineages in Wing Chun Kung Fu, but differences only add more colors to the art. After all, many trees in the forest, but we are one family (Wu Lin Yi Jia).

Grand Master Kenneth Lin, founder of Black Flag Wing Chun, also wants to contribute and had taken a huge part in promoting art of Wing Chun Kung Fu in the West and Asia.

During this Video, CCTV13, also known as CNTV, the Largest TV Station in China and Asia with millions of viewers daily, sent their Chinese Crew from their North American Headquarter Washington DC office to come down to Grand Master Kenneth Lin's California School, the international training headquarter of Black Flag Wing Chun.

CCTV had chosen Black Flag Wing Chun, that has over 6000 practitioners/members in 13 countries, to do an exclusive show for the Chinese New Year.

Black Flag Wing Chun is a Kung Fu System based on Maximum Combat Efficiency of Time, Space and Energy. Grand Master Kenneth Lin spent over 30 years, learned, collected, filtered and revived the original art that once originated from late GM Tjia Fun Tjiao, the last chief instructor of Black Flag Lodge.

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Friday, February 24, 2017

500 Reasons to go with Black Flag Wing Chun

500 Reasons to go with Black Flag Wing Chun!
Inside life story, written directly by our worldwide members....



Thursday, February 23, 2017

Real Internal Power of Black Flag Wing Chun

This video was taken during Tiger Claw Media Dinner Gala Grandmasters Demonstration in 2012 in San Jose, California.

Read the full video of Black Flag Wing Chun Demonstration 4: Real Internal Power of Wing Chun, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip Man Movies have helped to spark the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now in this Wing Chun Video you will see a demonstration of Internal Power using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve the maximum efficiency of Time, Space and Energy.

In this Wing Chun demonstration video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates the internal power of Wing Chun to release Shock Impulse Power, also known as Hoat Keng / 發勁 [aka Fa jin or Faat Ging].

HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] focuses on using the power of intent as its main source of power, rather than relying on structure as is power source like most other mainstream Wing Chun systems.

Black Flag Wing Chun emphasizes intent power training found within its Saam Chian Po [3 Battle Steps] form to develop the intent power. In its cousins art, the Red Boat Opera Wing Chun's derivatives, you can evidently see they have also put a strong emphasizes on the power of intent through the training of the Siu Nim Tao / Little Mind form which is to use intent as its source of power rather than structure as source, otherwise their first form would be called Siu Jong Tao [Little Structure]

This video was taken during Tiger Claw Media Dinner Gala Grand Masters Demonstration in 2012 in San Jose, California, where GM Lin demonstrated Four Different Kinds of Shocked Impulsed Power.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university. http://www.hekkiboen.com/worldwide-schools/

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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wing Chun Bong Sao Technique based on Maximum Efficiency

Read the full video of Wing Chun Bong Sao Technique based on Maximum Efficiency, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun techniques using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy, from this Wing Chun Video.

In this Wing Chun Training video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to use the HKB Wing Chun Combat Formula [Originated from late GM Kwee King Yang's teaching of Kao Kuat / 口訣] to achieve the maximum combat efficiency using the basic Wing Chun Bong Sao Technique [Bong Jiu / 膀手] both in deflecting as well as in Occupying time, becoming space and releasing an impulse energy.

Many times, in most Wing Chun mainstream lineage, focusing using offense as defense. In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrated how to achieve maximum efficiency using HKB Combat formula on applying that offense as defense idea.

Note: Within this video, GM Kenneth Lin made a comparison between the common use Wing Chun Bong Sao [膀手] from mainstream Wing Chun and showcase the Black Flag Wing Chun perspective of Bong Jiu / 膀手 [Bong Sao]. Please be noted that this does not mean one is better or less than another, it should be up to you to decide which fit you the most.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university. http://www.hekkiboen.com/worldwide-schools/

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Black Flag Wing Chun Wing Chun 18 San Sik Combat Drills

Read the full video of Black Flag Wing Chun Demonstration 3: Wing Chun 18 San Sik, HERE:


You've seen how the Ip Man Movies have helped to spark the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now in this Wing Chun Video you will see a demonstration of 18 San Sik / 十八散式 / Separate Hands of HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun], also known as Cap Pwee Lo Han Jiu Suan Sik /十八罗汉手散式 [18 Lohan Separate Hands].

In this Wing Chun demonstration video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates the execution of each San Sik / Separate Hand along with first degree Shock Impulse power known as Hoat Keng / 發勁 [aka Fa jin or Faat Ging].

Although there are some similarity of Kulo Wing Chun 22 San Sik [Leung Jan Wing Chun Gu Lao 22 Points] as it indicates a possible similarity/connection but for sure, Black Flag Wing Chun 18 San Sik / 18 Separate Hands has it's own unique character, especially on the strong emphasizes on internal power of first degree shock impulse power.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university. http://www.hekkiboen.com/worldwide-schools/

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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Wing Chun Stance and Footwork using Optimum Body Positioning from Black Flag Wing Chun

Read the full video of Wing Chun Stance and Footwork using Optimum Body Positioning from Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Techniques Tutorial 2, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip man movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun footwork and body position optimally using Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] combat principle to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy.

In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to use the proper Wing Chun Body Position to maintain the maximum combat efficiency using the basic Wing Chun footwork [Im Siam], Tiu Jiu[Wing Chun Tan Sao] Hand technique in Occupying time, becoming space and releasing an impulse energy.

Many times, in most Wing Chun mainstream lineage, focusing using offense as defense. In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrated how to have the MOST OPTIMUM body position on applying that offense as defense idea.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles! Available in USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

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PS: Be the FIRST and ONLY Certified HKB Wing Chun Representative in Your Country/City:


Wing Chun Sticky Hand Basic Rolling

Read the full video of Black Flag Wing Chun Demonstration 2: Wing Chun Sticky Hand Basic Rolling [ Niam Jiu / Chi Sao ], HERE:


You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. In this Wing Chun Video, watch our demonstration of Basic Rolling on Wing Chun Sticky Hand known as Niam Jiu / 黐手 [aka Chi Sao in Red Boat Opera Wing Chun] using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy, from this Wing Chun Video.

In this Wing Chun demonstration video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to occupy the time and become the space that creates the “Rolling shape” rather than deliberate rolling the hands. GM Lin was assisted with one of his beginner student who just trained for 3 months.

Many times, in most Wing Chun mainstream lineage, focusing thrusting forward when there is an opening. In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrated how to THRUST FORWARD when there is OPENING while MAINTAINing the contact by Occupying Time and Becoming the Space to prevent the opponent from having their hands flying all over if there is no contact.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

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Monday, February 20, 2017

Wing Chun Punch Using Maximum Efficiency

Read the full video of Wing Chun Punch Using Maximum Efficiency from Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Techniques Tutorial 1, HERE: http://www.hekkiboen.com/black-flag-wing-chun-lesson-1-basic-wing-chun-punch-using-maximum-efficiency/?fb_action_ids=1221062337924767&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_ref=.Vrxn6CiU56p.like#.VrxoK1h97IW

You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun techniques using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy, from this Wing Chun Video.

In this Wing Chun Training Video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to express the maximum combat efficiency using the basic wing chun punch, Im Tiong Kun, through Occupying time, becoming space and releasing an impulse energy.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

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Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Internal Power Demonstration

Read the Full Video of Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Internal Power Demonstration, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun Internal Power / Impulse Power / Shock Power using Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] ENERGY Transfer principle to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy.

In this Wing Chun Video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to use the proper Internal Power of Wing Chun Kung Fu to express maximum combat efficiency.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

Please Share This Video: http://youtu.be/Klh60BBigQw ✔ Like ✔ Share ✔ Tag ✔ Comment ✔ Follow ✔Invite Friends

Be the FIRST and ONLY Certified HKB Wing Chun Representative in Your Country/City:



Saturday, February 18, 2017

Black Flag Wing Chun featured in CCTV13 China

Source: http://www.hekkiboen.com/black-flag-wing-chun-featured-on-cctv/?fb_action_ids=440799269452064&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_ref=.VrxTbfRpOES.like#.VrxT7Fh97IX

There are many lineages in Wing Chun Kung Fu, but differences only add more colors to the art. After all, many trees in the forest, but we are one family (Wu Lin Yi Jia).

Grand Master Kenneth Lin, founder of Black Flag Wing Chun, also wants to contribute and had taken a huge part in promoting art of Wing Chun Kung Fu in the West and Asia.

During this Video, CCTV13, also known as CNTV, the Largest TV Station in China and Asia with millions of viewers daily, sent their Chinese Crew from their North American Headquarter Washington DC office to come down to Grand Master Kenneth Lin's California School, the international training headquarter of Black Flag Wing Chun.

CCTV had chosen Black Flag Wing Chun, that has over 6000 practitioners/members in 13 countries, to do an exclusive show for the Chinese New Year.

Black Flag Wing Chun is a Kung Fu System based on Maximum Combat Efficiency of Time, Space and Energy. Grand Master Kenneth Lin spent over 30 years, learned, collected, filtered and revived the original art that once originated from late GM Tjia Fun Tjiao, the last chief instructor of Black Flag Lodge.

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Friday, February 17, 2017

500 Reasons to go with Black Flag Wing Chun

500 Reasons to go with Black Flag Wing Chun!
Inside life story, written directly by our worldwide members....



Thursday, February 16, 2017

Real Internal Power of Black Flag Wing Chun

This video was taken during Tiger Claw Media Dinner Gala Grandmasters Demonstration in 2012 in San Jose, California.

Read the full video of Black Flag Wing Chun Demonstration 4: Real Internal Power of Wing Chun, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip Man Movies have helped to spark the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now in this Wing Chun Video you will see a demonstration of Internal Power using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve the maximum efficiency of Time, Space and Energy.

In this Wing Chun demonstration video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates the internal power of Wing Chun to release Shock Impulse Power, also known as Hoat Keng / 發勁 [aka Fa jin or Faat Ging].

HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] focuses on using the power of intent as its main source of power, rather than relying on structure as is power source like most other mainstream Wing Chun systems.

Black Flag Wing Chun emphasizes intent power training found within its Saam Chian Po [3 Battle Steps] form to develop the intent power. In its cousins art, the Red Boat Opera Wing Chun's derivatives, you can evidently see they have also put a strong emphasizes on the power of intent through the training of the Siu Nim Tao / Little Mind form which is to use intent as its source of power rather than structure as source, otherwise their first form would be called Siu Jong Tao [Little Structure]

This video was taken during Tiger Claw Media Dinner Gala Grand Masters Demonstration in 2012 in San Jose, California, where GM Lin demonstrated Four Different Kinds of Shocked Impulsed Power.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university. http://www.hekkiboen.com/worldwide-schools/

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wing Chun Bong Sao Technique based on Maximum Efficiency

Read the full video of Wing Chun Bong Sao Technique based on Maximum Efficiency, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun techniques using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy, from this Wing Chun Video.

In this Wing Chun Training video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to use the HKB Wing Chun Combat Formula [Originated from late GM Kwee King Yang's teaching of Kao Kuat / 口訣] to achieve the maximum combat efficiency using the basic Wing Chun Bong Sao Technique [Bong Jiu / 膀手] both in deflecting as well as in Occupying time, becoming space and releasing an impulse energy.

Many times, in most Wing Chun mainstream lineage, focusing using offense as defense. In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrated how to achieve maximum efficiency using HKB Combat formula on applying that offense as defense idea.

Note: Within this video, GM Kenneth Lin made a comparison between the common use Wing Chun Bong Sao [膀手] from mainstream Wing Chun and showcase the Black Flag Wing Chun perspective of Bong Jiu / 膀手 [Bong Sao]. Please be noted that this does not mean one is better or less than another, it should be up to you to decide which fit you the most.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university. http://www.hekkiboen.com/worldwide-schools/

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Black Flag Wing Chun Wing Chun 18 San Sik Combat Drills

Read the full video of Black Flag Wing Chun Demonstration 3: Wing Chun 18 San Sik, HERE:


You've seen how the Ip Man Movies have helped to spark the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now in this Wing Chun Video you will see a demonstration of 18 San Sik / 十八散式 / Separate Hands of HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun], also known as Cap Pwee Lo Han Jiu Suan Sik /十八罗汉手散式 [18 Lohan Separate Hands].

In this Wing Chun demonstration video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates the execution of each San Sik / Separate Hand along with first degree Shock Impulse power known as Hoat Keng / 發勁 [aka Fa jin or Faat Ging].

Although there are some similarity of Kulo Wing Chun 22 San Sik [Leung Jan Wing Chun Gu Lao 22 Points] as it indicates a possible similarity/connection but for sure, Black Flag Wing Chun 18 San Sik / 18 Separate Hands has it's own unique character, especially on the strong emphasizes on internal power of first degree shock impulse power.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university. http://www.hekkiboen.com/worldwide-schools/

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Wing Chun Stance and Footwork using Optimum Body Positioning from Black Flag Wing Chun

Read the full video of Wing Chun Stance and Footwork using Optimum Body Positioning from Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Techniques Tutorial 2, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip man movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun footwork and body position optimally using Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] combat principle to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy.

In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to use the proper Wing Chun Body Position to maintain the maximum combat efficiency using the basic Wing Chun footwork [Im Siam], Tiu Jiu[Wing Chun Tan Sao] Hand technique in Occupying time, becoming space and releasing an impulse energy.

Many times, in most Wing Chun mainstream lineage, focusing using offense as defense. In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrated how to have the MOST OPTIMUM body position on applying that offense as defense idea.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles! Available in USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

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PS: Be the FIRST and ONLY Certified HKB Wing Chun Representative in Your Country/City:


Wing Chun Sticky Hand Basic Rolling

Read the full video of Black Flag Wing Chun Demonstration 2: Wing Chun Sticky Hand Basic Rolling [ Niam Jiu / Chi Sao ], HERE:


You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. In this Wing Chun Video, watch our demonstration of Basic Rolling on Wing Chun Sticky Hand known as Niam Jiu / 黐手 [aka Chi Sao in Red Boat Opera Wing Chun] using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy, from this Wing Chun Video.

In this Wing Chun demonstration video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to occupy the time and become the space that creates the “Rolling shape” rather than deliberate rolling the hands. GM Lin was assisted with one of his beginner student who just trained for 3 months.

Many times, in most Wing Chun mainstream lineage, focusing thrusting forward when there is an opening. In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrated how to THRUST FORWARD when there is OPENING while MAINTAINing the contact by Occupying Time and Becoming the Space to prevent the opponent from having their hands flying all over if there is no contact.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

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Monday, February 13, 2017

The Longest Shortest Double Bassist by NewYorker

The Longest Shortest Double Bassist by NewYorker http://vimeo.com/203881514

The Longest Shortest Double Bassist by NewYorker


Wing Chun Punch Using Maximum Efficiency

Read the full video of Wing Chun Punch Using Maximum Efficiency from Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Techniques Tutorial 1, HERE: http://www.hekkiboen.com/black-flag-wing-chun-lesson-1-basic-wing-chun-punch-using-maximum-efficiency/?fb_action_ids=1221062337924767&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_ref=.Vrxn6CiU56p.like#.VrxoK1h97IW

You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun techniques using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy, from this Wing Chun Video.

In this Wing Chun Training Video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to express the maximum combat efficiency using the basic wing chun punch, Im Tiong Kun, through Occupying time, becoming space and releasing an impulse energy.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

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Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Internal Power Demonstration

Read the Full Video of Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Internal Power Demonstration, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun Internal Power / Impulse Power / Shock Power using Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] ENERGY Transfer principle to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy.

In this Wing Chun Video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to use the proper Internal Power of Wing Chun Kung Fu to express maximum combat efficiency.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

Please Share This Video: http://youtu.be/Klh60BBigQw ✔ Like ✔ Share ✔ Tag ✔ Comment ✔ Follow ✔Invite Friends

Be the FIRST and ONLY Certified HKB Wing Chun Representative in Your Country/City:



Saturday, February 11, 2017

Black Flag Wing Chun featured in CCTV13 China

Source: http://www.hekkiboen.com/black-flag-wing-chun-featured-on-cctv/?fb_action_ids=440799269452064&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_ref=.VrxTbfRpOES.like#.VrxT7Fh97IX

There are many lineages in Wing Chun Kung Fu, but differences only add more colors to the art. After all, many trees in the forest, but we are one family (Wu Lin Yi Jia).

Grand Master Kenneth Lin, founder of Black Flag Wing Chun, also wants to contribute and had taken a huge part in promoting art of Wing Chun Kung Fu in the West and Asia.

During this Video, CCTV13, also known as CNTV, the Largest TV Station in China and Asia with millions of viewers daily, sent their Chinese Crew from their North American Headquarter Washington DC office to come down to Grand Master Kenneth Lin's California School, the international training headquarter of Black Flag Wing Chun.

CCTV had chosen Black Flag Wing Chun, that has over 6000 practitioners/members in 13 countries, to do an exclusive show for the Chinese New Year.

Black Flag Wing Chun is a Kung Fu System based on Maximum Combat Efficiency of Time, Space and Energy. Grand Master Kenneth Lin spent over 30 years, learned, collected, filtered and revived the original art that once originated from late GM Tjia Fun Tjiao, the last chief instructor of Black Flag Lodge.

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Friday, February 10, 2017

500 Reasons to go with Black Flag Wing Chun

500 Reasons to go with Black Flag Wing Chun!
Inside life story, written directly by our worldwide members....



Thursday, February 9, 2017

Real Internal Power of Black Flag Wing Chun

This video was taken during Tiger Claw Media Dinner Gala Grandmasters Demonstration in 2012 in San Jose, California.

Read the full video of Black Flag Wing Chun Demonstration 4: Real Internal Power of Wing Chun, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip Man Movies have helped to spark the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now in this Wing Chun Video you will see a demonstration of Internal Power using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve the maximum efficiency of Time, Space and Energy.

In this Wing Chun demonstration video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates the internal power of Wing Chun to release Shock Impulse Power, also known as Hoat Keng / 發勁 [aka Fa jin or Faat Ging].

HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] focuses on using the power of intent as its main source of power, rather than relying on structure as is power source like most other mainstream Wing Chun systems.

Black Flag Wing Chun emphasizes intent power training found within its Saam Chian Po [3 Battle Steps] form to develop the intent power. In its cousins art, the Red Boat Opera Wing Chun's derivatives, you can evidently see they have also put a strong emphasizes on the power of intent through the training of the Siu Nim Tao / Little Mind form which is to use intent as its source of power rather than structure as source, otherwise their first form would be called Siu Jong Tao [Little Structure]

This video was taken during Tiger Claw Media Dinner Gala Grand Masters Demonstration in 2012 in San Jose, California, where GM Lin demonstrated Four Different Kinds of Shocked Impulsed Power.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university. http://www.hekkiboen.com/worldwide-schools/

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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Bigger Picture by daisy jacobs

The Bigger Picture by daisy jacobs http://vimeo.com/203126235

The Bigger Picture by daisy jacobs

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Wing Chun Bong Sao Technique based on Maximum Efficiency

Read the full video of Wing Chun Bong Sao Technique based on Maximum Efficiency, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun techniques using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy, from this Wing Chun Video.

In this Wing Chun Training video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to use the HKB Wing Chun Combat Formula [Originated from late GM Kwee King Yang's teaching of Kao Kuat / 口訣] to achieve the maximum combat efficiency using the basic Wing Chun Bong Sao Technique [Bong Jiu / 膀手] both in deflecting as well as in Occupying time, becoming space and releasing an impulse energy.

Many times, in most Wing Chun mainstream lineage, focusing using offense as defense. In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrated how to achieve maximum efficiency using HKB Combat formula on applying that offense as defense idea.

Note: Within this video, GM Kenneth Lin made a comparison between the common use Wing Chun Bong Sao [膀手] from mainstream Wing Chun and showcase the Black Flag Wing Chun perspective of Bong Jiu / 膀手 [Bong Sao]. Please be noted that this does not mean one is better or less than another, it should be up to you to decide which fit you the most.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university. http://www.hekkiboen.com/worldwide-schools/

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Black Flag Wing Chun Wing Chun 18 San Sik Combat Drills

Read the full video of Black Flag Wing Chun Demonstration 3: Wing Chun 18 San Sik, HERE:


You've seen how the Ip Man Movies have helped to spark the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now in this Wing Chun Video you will see a demonstration of 18 San Sik / 十八散式 / Separate Hands of HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun], also known as Cap Pwee Lo Han Jiu Suan Sik /十八罗汉手散式 [18 Lohan Separate Hands].

In this Wing Chun demonstration video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates the execution of each San Sik / Separate Hand along with first degree Shock Impulse power known as Hoat Keng / 發勁 [aka Fa jin or Faat Ging].

Although there are some similarity of Kulo Wing Chun 22 San Sik [Leung Jan Wing Chun Gu Lao 22 Points] as it indicates a possible similarity/connection but for sure, Black Flag Wing Chun 18 San Sik / 18 Separate Hands has it's own unique character, especially on the strong emphasizes on internal power of first degree shock impulse power.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university. http://www.hekkiboen.com/worldwide-schools/

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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Wing Chun Stance and Footwork using Optimum Body Positioning from Black Flag Wing Chun

Read the full video of Wing Chun Stance and Footwork using Optimum Body Positioning from Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Techniques Tutorial 2, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip man movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun footwork and body position optimally using Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] combat principle to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy.

In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to use the proper Wing Chun Body Position to maintain the maximum combat efficiency using the basic Wing Chun footwork [Im Siam], Tiu Jiu[Wing Chun Tan Sao] Hand technique in Occupying time, becoming space and releasing an impulse energy.

Many times, in most Wing Chun mainstream lineage, focusing using offense as defense. In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrated how to have the MOST OPTIMUM body position on applying that offense as defense idea.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles! Available in USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

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PS: Be the FIRST and ONLY Certified HKB Wing Chun Representative in Your Country/City:


Wing Chun Sticky Hand Basic Rolling

Read the full video of Black Flag Wing Chun Demonstration 2: Wing Chun Sticky Hand Basic Rolling [ Niam Jiu / Chi Sao ], HERE:


You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. In this Wing Chun Video, watch our demonstration of Basic Rolling on Wing Chun Sticky Hand known as Niam Jiu / 黐手 [aka Chi Sao in Red Boat Opera Wing Chun] using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy, from this Wing Chun Video.

In this Wing Chun demonstration video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to occupy the time and become the space that creates the “Rolling shape” rather than deliberate rolling the hands. GM Lin was assisted with one of his beginner student who just trained for 3 months.

Many times, in most Wing Chun mainstream lineage, focusing thrusting forward when there is an opening. In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrated how to THRUST FORWARD when there is OPENING while MAINTAINing the contact by Occupying Time and Becoming the Space to prevent the opponent from having their hands flying all over if there is no contact.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

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Monday, February 6, 2017

Wing Chun Punch Using Maximum Efficiency

Read the full video of Wing Chun Punch Using Maximum Efficiency from Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Techniques Tutorial 1, HERE: http://www.hekkiboen.com/black-flag-wing-chun-lesson-1-basic-wing-chun-punch-using-maximum-efficiency/?fb_action_ids=1221062337924767&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_ref=.Vrxn6CiU56p.like#.VrxoK1h97IW

You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun techniques using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy, from this Wing Chun Video.

In this Wing Chun Training Video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to express the maximum combat efficiency using the basic wing chun punch, Im Tiong Kun, through Occupying time, becoming space and releasing an impulse energy.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

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Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Internal Power Demonstration

Read the Full Video of Black Flag Wing Chun Kung Fu Internal Power Demonstration, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun Internal Power / Impulse Power / Shock Power using Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] ENERGY Transfer principle to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy.

In this Wing Chun Video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to use the proper Internal Power of Wing Chun Kung Fu to express maximum combat efficiency.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

Please Share This Video: http://youtu.be/Klh60BBigQw ✔ Like ✔ Share ✔ Tag ✔ Comment ✔ Follow ✔Invite Friends

Be the FIRST and ONLY Certified HKB Wing Chun Representative in Your Country/City:



Saturday, February 4, 2017

Black Flag Wing Chun featured in CCTV13 China

Source: http://www.hekkiboen.com/black-flag-wing-chun-featured-on-cctv/?fb_action_ids=440799269452064&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_ref=.VrxTbfRpOES.like#.VrxT7Fh97IX

There are many lineages in Wing Chun Kung Fu, but differences only add more colors to the art. After all, many trees in the forest, but we are one family (Wu Lin Yi Jia).

Grand Master Kenneth Lin, founder of Black Flag Wing Chun, also wants to contribute and had taken a huge part in promoting art of Wing Chun Kung Fu in the West and Asia.

During this Video, CCTV13, also known as CNTV, the Largest TV Station in China and Asia with millions of viewers daily, sent their Chinese Crew from their North American Headquarter Washington DC office to come down to Grand Master Kenneth Lin's California School, the international training headquarter of Black Flag Wing Chun.

CCTV had chosen Black Flag Wing Chun, that has over 6000 practitioners/members in 13 countries, to do an exclusive show for the Chinese New Year.

Black Flag Wing Chun is a Kung Fu System based on Maximum Combat Efficiency of Time, Space and Energy. Grand Master Kenneth Lin spent over 30 years, learned, collected, filtered and revived the original art that once originated from late GM Tjia Fun Tjiao, the last chief instructor of Black Flag Lodge.

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Friday, February 3, 2017

500 Reasons to go with Black Flag Wing Chun

500 Reasons to go with Black Flag Wing Chun!
Inside life story, written directly by our worldwide members....



Thursday, February 2, 2017

Real Internal Power of Black Flag Wing Chun

This video was taken during Tiger Claw Media Dinner Gala Grandmasters Demonstration in 2012 in San Jose, California.

Read the full video of Black Flag Wing Chun Demonstration 4: Real Internal Power of Wing Chun, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip Man Movies have helped to spark the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now in this Wing Chun Video you will see a demonstration of Internal Power using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve the maximum efficiency of Time, Space and Energy.

In this Wing Chun demonstration video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates the internal power of Wing Chun to release Shock Impulse Power, also known as Hoat Keng / 發勁 [aka Fa jin or Faat Ging].

HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] focuses on using the power of intent as its main source of power, rather than relying on structure as is power source like most other mainstream Wing Chun systems.

Black Flag Wing Chun emphasizes intent power training found within its Saam Chian Po [3 Battle Steps] form to develop the intent power. In its cousins art, the Red Boat Opera Wing Chun's derivatives, you can evidently see they have also put a strong emphasizes on the power of intent through the training of the Siu Nim Tao / Little Mind form which is to use intent as its source of power rather than structure as source, otherwise their first form would be called Siu Jong Tao [Little Structure]

This video was taken during Tiger Claw Media Dinner Gala Grand Masters Demonstration in 2012 in San Jose, California, where GM Lin demonstrated Four Different Kinds of Shocked Impulsed Power.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university. http://www.hekkiboen.com/worldwide-schools/

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Wing Chun Bong Sao Technique based on Maximum Efficiency

Read the full video of Wing Chun Bong Sao Technique based on Maximum Efficiency, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now learn how to use Wing Chun techniques using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy, from this Wing Chun Video.

In this Wing Chun Training video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to use the HKB Wing Chun Combat Formula [Originated from late GM Kwee King Yang's teaching of Kao Kuat / 口訣] to achieve the maximum combat efficiency using the basic Wing Chun Bong Sao Technique [Bong Jiu / 膀手] both in deflecting as well as in Occupying time, becoming space and releasing an impulse energy.

Many times, in most Wing Chun mainstream lineage, focusing using offense as defense. In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrated how to achieve maximum efficiency using HKB Combat formula on applying that offense as defense idea.

Note: Within this video, GM Kenneth Lin made a comparison between the common use Wing Chun Bong Sao [膀手] from mainstream Wing Chun and showcase the Black Flag Wing Chun perspective of Bong Jiu / 膀手 [Bong Sao]. Please be noted that this does not mean one is better or less than another, it should be up to you to decide which fit you the most.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university. http://www.hekkiboen.com/worldwide-schools/

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A Grand Canal by Johnny Ma

A Grand Canal by Johnny Ma http://vimeo.com/202045606

A Grand Canal by Johnny Ma


Black Flag Wing Chun Wing Chun 18 San Sik Combat Drills

Read the full video of Black Flag Wing Chun Demonstration 3: Wing Chun 18 San Sik, HERE:


You've seen how the Ip Man Movies have helped to spark the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now in this Wing Chun Video you will see a demonstration of 18 San Sik / 十八散式 / Separate Hands of HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun], also known as Cap Pwee Lo Han Jiu Suan Sik /十八罗汉手散式 [18 Lohan Separate Hands].

In this Wing Chun demonstration video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates the execution of each San Sik / Separate Hand along with first degree Shock Impulse power known as Hoat Keng / 發勁 [aka Fa jin or Faat Ging].

Although there are some similarity of Kulo Wing Chun 22 San Sik [Leung Jan Wing Chun Gu Lao 22 Points] as it indicates a possible similarity/connection but for sure, Black Flag Wing Chun 18 San Sik / 18 Separate Hands has it's own unique character, especially on the strong emphasizes on internal power of first degree shock impulse power.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university. http://www.hekkiboen.com/worldwide-schools/

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Be the FIRST and ONLY Certified HKB Wing Chun Representative in Your Country/City:
