Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tio Tek Kwie

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GM Kwee King Yang, GM The Sik Yen, Sifu Tio Tek Kwie, Mr Tek Siu

Very Rare old portrait Late Grand Master Kwee King Yang [Sitting on right], his student GM The Sik Yen [Sitting on the left] and GM The Sik Yen's two students Sifu Tio Tek Kwie[Standing up on right right] and his Sihing/Kungfu brother Mr. Tek Siu[Standing on the left].

* This old picture was given by my main sifu, Grand Master The Kang Hay and the elders.
** Sifu Tio Tek Kwie is one of my Sifu that learned from, as well as other Sifu [Kwee King Yang's Direct and Indirect students]

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