Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Wing Chun Sticky Hand Basic Rolling

Read the full video of Black Flag Wing Chun Demonstration 2: Wing Chun Sticky Hand Basic Rolling [ Niam Jiu / Chi Sao ], HERE:


You've seen how the Ip Man Movie have sparks the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. In this Wing Chun Video, watch our demonstration of Basic Rolling on Wing Chun Sticky Hand known as Niam Jiu / 黐手 [aka Chi Sao in Red Boat Opera Wing Chun] using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve maximum efficiency of time, space and energy, from this Wing Chun Video.

In this Wing Chun demonstration video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates how to occupy the time and become the space that creates the “Rolling shape” rather than deliberate rolling the hands. GM Lin was assisted with one of his beginner student who just trained for 3 months.

Many times, in most Wing Chun mainstream lineage, focusing thrusting forward when there is an opening. In this video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrated how to THRUST FORWARD when there is OPENING while MAINTAINing the contact by Occupying Time and Becoming the Space to prevent the opponent from having their hands flying all over if there is no contact.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

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