Thursday, July 5, 2018

Real Internal Power of Black Flag Wing Chun

This video was taken during Tiger Claw Media Dinner Gala Grandmasters Demonstration in 2012 in San Jose, California.

Read the full video of Black Flag Wing Chun Demonstration 4: Real Internal Power of Wing Chun, HERE:

You've seen how the Ip Man Movies have helped to spark the growth of Wing Chun Kung Fu worldwide. Now in this Wing Chun Video you will see a demonstration of Internal Power using HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] to achieve the maximum efficiency of Time, Space and Energy.

In this Wing Chun demonstration video, Grand Master Kenneth Lin demonstrates the internal power of Wing Chun to release Shock Impulse Power, also known as Hoat Keng / 發勁 [aka Fa jin or Faat Ging].

HKB Eng Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] focuses on using the power of intent as its main source of power, rather than relying on structure as is power source like most other mainstream Wing Chun systems.

Black Flag Wing Chun emphasizes intent power training found within its Saam Chian Po [3 Battle Steps] form to develop the intent power. In its cousins art, the Red Boat Opera Wing Chun's derivatives, you can evidently see they have also put a strong emphasizes on the power of intent through the training of the Siu Nim Tao / Little Mind form which is to use intent as its source of power rather than structure as source, otherwise their first form would be called Siu Jong Tao [Little Structure]

This video was taken during Tiger Claw Media Dinner Gala Grand Masters Demonstration in 2012 in San Jose, California, where GM Lin demonstrated Four Different Kinds of Shocked Impulsed Power.

Black Flag Wing Chun training methodology makes it possible for you to use Wing Chun in full contact vs. Systema, vs. Taichi, vs. Taekwondo, vs. Kenpo, vs. Ninjutsu, vs. BJJ, vs. Muay Thai, vs. karate, vs. boxing, vs. any styles!

Available in Black Flag Wing Chun Schools: USA [California & Virginia], UK [Devon], Germany [Saarbrucken], Italy [Roma, Genova, Savona, Livorno, Torino, Novara] and HKB Wing Chun online university.

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